


    Neil Armstrong's one small step on the moon has had a profound impact on our society for the last 50 years. From resources to movies, space travel and moon exploration has engulfed our culture since that one small step. In the same way, God has designed His people and His church to make small spiritual changes in their life to have a profound impact on their church, communities and the greater world. Join us as we see how our spiritual rhythms can create unity in our church and impact the "one" in our lives.

Previous Sermons

Scroll down to watch previous sermons. To watch multiple sermons in a series, click on the three-lined icon with a play button (located in the top right of each video) and you will see a drop down menu of various sermons within a series.

21 Days

 21 Days of Fasting allows us the opportunity to say No to good physical cravings in order to say Yes to a new, spiritual hunger for God. Join us on this journey to feast on the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, and find a renewed sense of satisfaction and purpose in Him.

Christmas @ AVENUE

Christmas carols speak to people of all ages as it brings all of those Christmas "feels" into our hearts. What's even more amazing is seeing how Christmas carols are combined into musical masterpieces that enhance our experience.

The Christmas story of Jesus' birth can do the same: combining prophecies of old and fulfillment of new that create a redemptive and salvific symphony of God's great love for the world. Join us at Avenue during the Christmas Season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior by "mashing-up" carols and Scripture to see the bigger picture of God's Salvation for His people.

What In The World?

What in the World? Have you ever asked that question or uttered that phrase? It’s something we declare when we can’t make sense of what’s happening around us. Whether it’s caused by global and political craziness or personal and community chaos, we all have felt like the world is a circus and we’re just along for the ride. But what if God has wisdom for us to not only make sense of our sometimes senseless world, but to also find purpose and satisfaction in it? In this series through the book of Ecclesiastes, we will be able to know and understand God’s Wisdom to help us find meaning and peace in our world today.

Step Up

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites were preparing to take their first steps into the land God had promised to give them many years ago. In the same way, our church enters into a natural rhythm every Fall of taking a step forward to what God has for us next: as individuals and as a church. This series will focus on God's desire for us as Jesus-followers to Step Up into this next season of living out our new life, best life, in Him!


As followers of Jesus, we are gifted with the Holy Spirit to "Produce Produce..." meaning, we are able to have and show the "fruits" of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It is not an option to produce these Spirit-led characteristics; rather, it is a command and calling to live our lives in this way. In this series, we look at each of these fruits and how remaining in Jesus will allow us to produce this produce.

Love First

In a world full of different messages about what love is, we see clearly in Scripture that God is the definition of love and we experience love through the person of Jesus. Join us in this series as we see how choosing to love first, the way God loves us, can positively impact all of our earthly relationships.

Uncommon - Not Your Neighbor's Lent

Lent is a historical and spiritual practice within the church that has been observed and practiced in various ways and passions. However, for many of us in the Chicagoland area, this common experience has lost much of its transformational power in our lives to prepare us for the resurrection work God wants to do in us and through us. UnCommon is a series that will bring us back to Lent's foundations but also help fuel the passion of following Jesus' lead through the wilderness and into the new life on the other side of God's redemptive work.


The definition of “Re” is a prefix that means “again and again.” At the start of a new year, there are things that God wants to do new, but also things He wants to happen in our lives again and again. This four week series will get our hearts ready to see what God wants to make new as He is in the business of making “all things new.” No matter our past, present or future, when we remain in Him, He will give us the power and strength to be renewed.

Born Is The King

Sometimes when we enter the Christmas Season and talk about the birth of Jesus, we tend to focus more on Jesus as Savior vs Jesus as King. Kings and Queens are a foreign concept, our country was founded on fleeing the absolute monarchy, it’s something you can pretend as a kid, but the idea of a monarchy holds little weight in our culture. Yet as we focus on Jesus’ birth during this time of year, there are some valuable truths about Jesus as King that can change our perspective and change the way we live during this Christmas season. “Born is the King” is a Sermon Series that will look at the significance of Jesus being King that was very clearly on the hearts and minds of many when He was born on the earth over 2,000 years ago and the practical implications it has on us as followers of Jesus today.

This Is My Testimony

As followers of Jesus, we are called to testify, to share our stories and experiences, of God's work in our lives. Everyone has a story to share, so join us as we hear from many people throughout this series as they testify to who God is and how He is working in and through us!


What does it look like to follow!?! It's the question we will be asking ourselves as we look at the beginning of the Church in the Book of Acts. In this series, we will see the foundational rhythms they established to help them stay rooted in their relationship with Jesus. From it, we will look at how those rhythms can be practically applied to our lives today as we seek to embrace the new life, the best life, that Jesus has for!!!!


In a world full of uncertainty and confusion, the wisdom of Solomon will guide us towards a life that is grounded in truth and helps us become more like Jesus. From practical advice for everyday life to the pursuit of God's plans for our lives, this series will equip you with the tools to navigate life with confidence. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the greatest teachers of wisdom in human history and become 'fool proof' in every aspect of your life.

He Gets Us

Jesus is the most recognized figure in all of human history. Yet, what we see in the Bible is that His worldwide recognition does not separate us from Him. Rather, it helps us realize that He knows us, understands our hardships and desires to show us His love and grace daily. Based on the "He Gets Us" ad campaign, we will be looking at Jesus’ life, death and resurrection through a 21st century lens. As we journey back and study Jesus' life on the earth, we will see how His life has practical and powerful implications as to how we can experience the new life, the best life, that He offers to us all today.


The Ten commandments are often seen as rules that are impossible. Many believe that it's an old covenant that was broken when Christ came and paved a way for us to stand rightly before God. Join us as we spend then next ten weeks as we examine each commandment and how they in fact help us realize a more fulfilled life through Jesus.


It's the new year and it's time to make goals, make improvements and build a better life for ourselves and those in our lives! But how do we do this in a way where it doesn't fall all on our shoulders to make these changes? Join us as we look at Jesus' words in Matthew 7 in which He tells us how we can build the best version of ourselves and our lives on Him!

Songs Of The Season

Take a week to week look at some of the most famous Christmas songs of our time. Each week we will be dissecting the lyrics and seeing how they not only point to the birth of Jesus but also point to His future and forever holy reign.


At the end of the day, God is less concerned with what we do for Him than who we are in Him. Few figures illustrate that truth better than Jonah. Focused on the prophet rather than his prophecy, the story of Jonah gives us a picture of a man on the run due to his own selfish desires. Instead of showing mercy to his enemies, he determined to keep God's grace to himself rather than share it with those he considered undeserving. Can you relate? Join us as we work through a week by week walk through of Jonah based off of Eric Mason's Right Now Media series.

What If?

What if the church was the church?? What if we looked to God's Word to show us how we should live as followers of Jesus who are actively involved in connecting to and becoming like Jesus and helping others do the same? Join us as we explore how we are called to be active participants in the Kingdom of God!

Summer Playlist

It's officially summer and we couldn't be more excited! We've got our summer jams ready to go and are heading off to find some respite from the heat. In the moments that you're not running towards the best summer fun we mustn't forget that the bible has provided us with the best song book to match our life cycles. Join us this summer as we travel through the holy song book of Psalms and discover what it means to sit with them and find a peace beyond all understanding through these songs.

Under The Surface

How many times do we tell ourselves that "everything's fine," when in reality, it's not? In this series, Senior Pastor Kyle Isabelli will be showing us God's desire to do the "under the surface" work in us in order to help us experience healing and redemption from Jesus. This series is based off of Pete Scazzero's book "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality."

James: Faith that Works

In this series, we will be going verse by verse through the book of James as we see the early Christians live out their newfound faith in Jesus. Throughout this series, we will see that we have a "faith that works" in any circumstance we face in life!

Previous Sermons

Click on an image below to watch previous sermons on our YouTube Channel

Vision 2022

Christmas 2021

Books of 1 – 3 John

The Upgrade

Mission of the Church

Spiritual Disciplines

The New Normal


Easter 2021

Book of Philippians

Lessons Learned in 2020

Christmas 2020

Divided We Stand

The Generous Life

The Real God

No Ordinary Family

Easter 2020

Covid-19 Devotions

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