
Almsgiving is the act of giving to those in need, reflecting the Christian virtue of charity. During Lent, believers are encouraged to share their resources, time, and compassion with the less fortunate. This practice embodies the spirit of selflessness and generosity, fostering a sense of community and reinforcing the Christian commitment to love and care for one another.

TLE – Almsgiving  PDF

TLE – Almsgiving RNM Video

Discussion Questions:

1) Reflecting on the sermon, what struck you the most about the concept of almsgiving? Was there a particular story or example that resonated with you?
2) The sermon emphasizes the importance of cultivating a generous heart. What are some practical steps you can take to develop a more generous disposition in your own life?
3) Jesus criticized the religious leaders of his time for their hypocrisy in giving. How can we ensure that our acts of giving are genuine expressions of love and compassion, rather than mere displays of outward piety?
4) The sermon suggests that fear, bitterness, and skepticism can hinder our ability to be generous. Have you experienced any of these emotions when considering giving to others? How can we overcome these obstacles?
5) Lent is described as a time of giving up in order to give to others. What sacrifices are you willing to make in order to bless those in need during this season of Lent?
6) Looking beyond Lent, how can we continue to live lives of righteousness and justice through the practice of almsgiving? What are some practical ways we can integrate this principle into our daily lives moving forward?